Things Americans Want From Higher Ed

Source: news@Northeastern
Northeastern University put together this infographic on the 5 Things People Want from Higher Education based on its recent national survey. The results were announced in November by Northeastern President, Joseph E. Aoun. Although the majority of Americans think higher education is critical to success, 83% believe the country's current system must innovate in order for it to remain competitive in a global leadership position. President Aoun stated,
"In over¬whelming num¬bers, they’re telling us that the system of today will not meet the chal¬lenges of tomorrow. These find¬ings are a wake-up call for those of us in higher edu-ca¬tion to renew the social com¬pact we have always had with Amer¬i¬cans by inno¬vating across mul¬tiple dimensions.”
What people want include global study/work opportunities, entrepreneurship, integration of professional work opportunities, hybrid courses, and lower cost. It is not only a wake-up call for higher education, but also for our K-12 system, particularly at the high school level.

Source: news@Northeastern

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