Visualizing How to Feed the World

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and begin to collect food for the less fortunate in many of our schools, it would be a good idea to talk to kids about feeding the world’s population and the problems in doing it. The How to Feed the World film by Denis van Waerebeke helps explain this concept in a simple, clear way using infographics. It begins with the globe filled with humans and explains how the majority of the world contains 850 million people who are undernourished.

How to feed the world ? from Denis van Waerebeke on Vimeo.

Visually, it does an excellent job of using graphics to explain the relationship between supply and demand, imports and exports, and food pricing and production. As for economics, it’s simple. There are plenty of mini-lessons in this resource from how food distribution affects price to why yield doesn’t always mean lower costs. This short visual representation is packed with information, much the same as the Visualizing the World at 7 Billion produced by NPR. Perhaps the most important point is about sustainability and fixing the problem. Its straightforward message just might help kids to make a difference in trying to figure out a solution, too.

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