Let them Soar! - NYSCATE 2011

We just wrapped up three days in Rochester at the 2011 annual NYSCATE conference. The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE) assembled a roster of galvanizing presenters and speakers to empower our students through technology. We met a lot of impressive teachers who shared their savvy and expertise, and we thoroughly enjoyed Diana Laufenberg's keynote address. Some of the particularly valuable workshops we attended focused on web 2.0 accessibility, 21st-century global teaching, and school iPad deployment.

Special thanks to the lively, collegial crowd who attended our session on "Designing Information: Infographics As Literacy." The thoughtful comments made for an enriching conversation. All of the infographic examples we shared are available on this blog, as are all of the resources for creating original graphics. The skill tips and curriculum tools are posted as well. As promised, here is a copy of our presentation [Update: presentation available upon request]. Please feel free to contact us if we can help in any way.

Source: ASIDE

This NYSCATE conference may have been the best-run gathering we've attended in recent years, and it was all done by volunteers. The pacing of the programs and the paperless program app allowed for full but unhurried days. And the little things, like free hotel Wi-Fi, gifts for presenters, welcoming receptions, and helpful tech support all made the conference convivial.

Special thanks to Dave Mileham for organizing the daily details. He was approachable for the most mundane questions and kept the nifty conference app up-to-date.

If you were unable to attend, resources from the conference are available via the #NYSCATE11 hashtag on Twitter or on the NYSCATE ning. Also, if you're in the area and primed for a relaxing, post-tech dinner, check out the escarole and cannellini beans at Pane Vino on N. Water Street.

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