Infographics and The Luck of the Irish

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What would schools be without the celebratory nature of special events? It’s not just the grass turning green with the approach of spring next week, but it's also that time of year when everyone seems to be a wee bit Irish. We thought it only fitting to pull together some infographics in the spirit of the green for St. Patrick’s Day. As with our earlier posts on holiday infographics, they fit nicely with the string of events in a given school year. These visualizations provide a quick deviation from the normal routine to add a twinkle in the eye of our “little people.”

For openers, show them the 7 Lucky Facts About St. Patrick’s Day infographic from DegreeSearch. Kids will love the variety of tidbits about the luck of the Irish, the number seven, and the special significance of shamrocks. Who knew that there were 10,000 3-leaf clovers for every one 4-leaf clover? Now there’s a math lesson. For a little more challenging math and perhaps a little science, ask the students why it only takes 100 lbs of dye to turn the Chicago River green for a week, but it takes 40 lbs a day. The notion of luck also makes for a good expository writing topic. Who knows? Maybe the kids will have their own lucky charm stories to share after analyzing the content in this image.
Source: (Zoom Below)

Another infographic on The History of St. Patrick’s Day from provides its share of possible lesson topics, too. This colorful visualization of the history of the day lets viewers easily scan the information using a timeline that ends with a few quick key facts. Besides the history lesson of the holiday, it also illustrates the price of gold over time, beginning in 1792. Have students compare the price of gold with historical events of the same time period, or open a discussion about current events surrounding inflation and the gold standard.

With less luck and a little bit of ingenuity, these infographics make for interesting interdisciplinary lessons, Irish or not.

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