Valentine's Day: For the Love or Money Infographics

Source: FatWallet
In keeping with our previous posts, we pulled together some infographics related to Valentine's Day. These graphics fit nicely with the current sequencing of special days that most of our schools celebrate throughout the year. The infographics in this post, like many of the others, provide an ample amount of information to use with students across the curricula. They make great eye candy for any lesson, and we found that our students spend more time thinking about the information to draw conclusions, make comparisons, and analyze the data.

Source: Degree Search
As you can imagine, most of the infographics for Valentine's Day are about the enormous amount of money spent by consumers. Valentine's Day Consumer Spending from FatWallet, with its bright colors and crisp design, delineates the numbers behind the day in an eye-catching way that is easy to use with younger learners. It breaks down the information by gender and age, while offering some unique fun facts to boot. Another good one is We Love Spending from Degree Search. This infographic not only offers projections for the coming year, but also provides a host of data as to who spends more on their sweethearts, where they spend, and what they buy. Its festive colors and clear design make it a perfect way to engage learners in a little math.

These infographics allow teachers an easy way to incorporate the skills of media and financial literacy into lessons. They act as a hook to get students to look at more. By analyzing enough of them, students learn to deconstruct infographics and build their skills in deciphering content for meaningful information. It helps them to make connections between the impact of consumer spending and the bottom line of industry profit. Spending Money On Your Honey from is another example to illustrate the financial underpinnings of a holiday.

Source: Ethical Ocean

Each of these infographics can help students construct ideas to articulate their understanding about the branding and selling of an idea. They can visually see how it translates into dollars. For a hard look at the chocolate consumption and how it relates to the producers of cocoa, have students look at the infographic A Fair Valentine from Ethical Ocean and ask them to discuss whether the growers are given a fair portion of the total sale price of chocolate. Let’s face it, at the “heart” of the day, the companies that make chocolate, jewelry, flowers, and more do it for the love of money by romancing the consumer.

A few others that are a nice addition to the mix are The Valentine's Day Around the World from, with its fun facts using language and geography, and At the Heart of Valentine's Day from Frugal Dad.  The multiple possibilities for lessons in sequencing, time, and percentages over a particular time period, whether historically or currently, also make for lively discussions within the classroom. Whether for love, or money, using infographics as a learning tool to engage students is at the heart of the matter.

Source: Frugal Dad

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