The Presidential Inauguration - Infographics & Visualizations

Source: Boundless Blog (click for detail)

Barack Hussein Obama swore the official oath of office for his second term as president in a private gathering on Sunday, January 20, 2013, according to the requirements of the 20th Amendment. The public ceremony and speech took place the following day. Watch the full video of President Obama's second inaugural address (or read the official transcript):

The educational benefits of President Obama's speech draw from more than just the text. Even as several phrases from his oration are already gaining station among the honor roll of historical words, we recommend taking a look at Fellow Citizens, by Robert V. Remini and Terry Golway, which is our favorite collection of past inaugural addresses.

Source: Infographics Archive, Wyzant
(click for detail)
Most teachers know of the New York Times "Inaugural Words" interactive study. This collection visually traces the language of past presidents' words from 1789 to the present. It offers a rich trove of language and generational context to see how themes and leadership have evolved over the centuries.

Larry Ferlazzo also offers a terrific collection of learning resources on his page, "The Best Sites For Learning About President Obama's Second Inauguration." In particular, we like the two "Build Your Own Inaugural Address" interactives from the New York Times and Washington Post. Here, students can cobble together their own visions for America by choosing from significant quotes from past presidents. They can see how values have cycled through the presidential discourse, and they can imagine themselves as leaders of the free world.

We also recommend the following resources for teaching students about presidential inaugurations:



Visual Tools

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