Redesigning The GMAT

Two weeks ago, the education section in The New York Times highlighted the upcoming changes to the GMAT business school admissions test. Starting in June, the exam will replace one of its essay responses with a new section focused on multi-source reasoning and graphic interpretation. Apparently, business school professors were asked what skills are not being addressed by the GMAT that are the most pressing in the current business world. The answer was data interpretation and visual analysis.

Source: The New York Times
If graduate-level tests are racing to catch up to the urgency of graphicacy, then why we can't we give our future entrepreneurs a head start? We can begin financial literacy and visual literacy in the earliest grades. We can integrate financial and graphic lessons into our daily classrooms with the simplest of charts, graphs, and tables. And maybe one day our students will use these tools in business school and beyond to nurture ingenuity and innovation.

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